Read and See Revelation 1 – 3; Christ and the Seven Churches; Inside the Rainbow volume 1 Prints
ISBN 978-1-909281-86-8
56 pages.
Published Released on 30/7/2021
Hardback in colour
Having immersed himself over the last seven years in reading every commentary he can find on Revelation, and picking up his teenage hobby of painting, Pieter Kwant here retraces the process whereby John first “saw” Revelation before writing it down, now moving from (biblical) text to image…
In this, Pieter takes his stand on the shoulders of both giant biblical commentators and visual artists over the centuries as he engages Revelation in a personal way that he hopes will make this, often obscure, text approachable even to children! Pieter’s big hope, and the challenge he set himself, is that readers may be emboldened not to shrink from looking deeply into this concluding book of the Bible – reading, seeing and hearing (by doing) it!
Inside the Rainbow is conceived to be the first in a series. As such, it focuses particularly on Revelation 1–3. Pieter makes it clear that he does not see these opening chapters as a strong separate section but as integral to the one story of Revelation.
“It was such a joy to witness a man of letters challenge himself to delve into visual language as an extended way of scholarly research and understanding the Scriptures – and to take on the huge task of having a visual conversation with the book of Revelation and the artists over the centuries who have attempted to do likewise … To re-enter these texts through Pieter’s excitement in exploring colour and image is not only to see the text in a new way but also to have a glimpse inside the rainbow of both his heart and the heart of God.”
This book carries in word and image the heart of soul of its author. It draws the reader along on a journey of discovery, probing the deep and significant meaning found in the Book of Revelation. The juxtaposing of traditional ancient images side by side with the author’s own provocative, colourful images is a pleasure to the eye and an aesthetic feast for soul and mind. … The historical images from Beatus Manuscripts and Apocalypse 1313 offer a sense that we are in a place well travelled, where we join with those of the past who have engaged the themes and insights of the Book of Revelation.
[Inside the Rainbow] provides entry points for understanding the Book of Revelation. The personal quality of the writing offers warmth and welcome to an otherwise intimidating bible book. It provides stepping stones to readers…
JOHN FRANKLIN, Executive Director – Imago, Canada
Sadly the vivid imagery of the Book of Revelation has often been reduced to theological speculation about God’s engagement with empire and the final future. This creative edition brings vivid imagery center stage and helps us to re-enter with dancing step the grand panorama of the Bible’s most imaginative and magisterial book. Let contemporary empire-builders shake in their boots!
Charles Ringma, Emeritus Prof. Regent College, Vancouver, Canada Author of many books, including “Hear the Ancient Wisdom”
Students of the Bible are taught that meaning emerges as they engage both the content and the form of a specific genre. The book of Revelation is a prophetic word which emerges in the form of a vision. There is something to hear and to see. And yet its interpreters, down through the years, have struggled to engage this visionary element. Pieter Kwant puts together what scholars have readily put asunder. Writing in a conversational way, he combines bold, evocative imagery with clear, accessible explanation. The outcome is a book which welcomes the reader into the strange world of Revelation, calming their fears and building their confidence as they journey with it.
PAUL WINDSOR International Program Director Langham Preaching, Langham Partnership International
Even though I attended a theological seminary, I’ve never before immersed myself in the Book of Revelation. To be honest, I didn’t even like it… Hearing Pieter talking passionately about it , I couldn’t wait to read the book. Not only did I learn about Revelation, for the first time, but I also felt like being inside it, taking part in it, just like reading the Gospels: hearing, seeing and feeling Jesus in action.
VERA HAHN retired editor Fontis Verlag
By Way of Introduction
Story 1: The Unveiling
Story 2: To Be Happy
Story 3: Serious Holiness
Story 4: Coming with the Clouds
Story 5: John on Patmos
Story 6: Like a Son of Man
Story 7: The Whole Church in His Hand
Story 8: Write to Seven Churches
Story 9: Turn Back to Love
Story 10: “Song” of Suffering
Story 11: Satanic Attack
Story 12: Courting Disaster
Story 13: Wake Up! Watch Out!
Story 14: Endure Patiently
Story 15: Coming to Tea!
Story 16: One Church
A Personal Prayer
Reading Revelation
Inside the Rainbow
Select Further Reading
List of Illustrations