Leading out of who you are: Discovering the secret of undefended leadership
ISBN 978 1903689 43 1
160 pages.
Published 23/2/2007
£4.99 - £12.00
Paperback, Kindle, Epub
The Undefended Leader is the one other people follow, not because they have to, but because they choose to.
What makes a leader truly great? In this book, Simon Walker explores the journey by which a leader gains moral authority. He exposes the exhausting emotional burden of sustaining a front- and a back-stage that derails many leaders. He explains how the formation of leadership egos in childhood relates to ‘defendedness’ and highlights the negative impact defended leaders have on their followers. Finally, Walker shows the way towards becoming truly ‘undefended’ and free to lead. With study questions, reader links to web resources and access to an online community of practice.
“This is a must-read for everyone who wants to understand what drives their own and other’s leadership styles and wants to find the way to freedom.”
“One simple and speedy test for evaluating a book is to open it up and to peruse random single pages. If one’s attention is held and something worthwhile is learned, no further delay is justified. The book should be read as a whole. For me, Simon Walker’s book The Undefended Leader falls into exactly that category. I suspect many thinking people would feel a similar fascination, for this book is both a provocation and an inspirational release into a further enlightenment.”
Meredith Belbin, Belbin Associates, Cambridge
Dedication and Acknowledgements …………………v
List of Diagrams
Introduction: the Beginnings of the Story …………….1
1 What Makes an Undefended Leader? ……………..5
PART I: How Leaders Defend Themselves
2 The Hostile World of the Leader………………..15
3 Strategies of Defence I: Front and Back Stage ……….23
4 Strategies of Defence II: Power…………………35
5 Strategies of Defence III: Control……………….41
PART II: Locating the Roots of the Defended Self
6 Our Experience of Trust ……………………..53
7 Our Response to Trust: The Shaping Leadership Ego ….61
8 Our Response to Trust: The Defining Leadership Ego …69
9 Our Response to Trust: The Adapting Leadership Ego …79
10 Our Response to Trust: The Defending Leadership Ego ..89
PART III: The Secret of the Undefended Leader
11 The Freedom to Fail: Locating the Source of Approval ..101
12 The Freedom to Give: Cultivating Undefended Leadership 113
13 Leading as a Child ………………………..127
14 The Formation of Moral Authority ……………..139 1
5 Setting Undefended Goals …………………..151
Reading List ………………………………163
Afterword: The Leadership Community and the Undefended leader profiling tool